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13 Types Of NIGHT BIRDS In Florida (ID Guide With SOUNDS)

Did you recently come across a night bird in the state of Florida, and want to know what species it was?

Identifying nocturnal birds in the Sunshine State is not as easy as it might seem, since there are many night birds in the state, and it’s hard to get a good look at them in the dark.

To help you identify the bird you saw, we’ll cover the most common night birds of Florida and their sounds in this article.

Types of night birds found in Florida

What are the types of night birds in Florida (and what are their sounds)?

There are 13 types of night birds found in Florida, which are covered in full detail below. 

And if you’re wondering what noise these Florida birds make at night, read on below, as we’ll also cover their nighttime sounds.

Northern Mockingbird

Scientific name: Mimus polyglottos

Photo of Northern Mockingbird adult

Sound of Northern Mockingbird:

(Recording source: Sue Riffe, XC664292,

The melodious whistling song of the Northern Mockingbird can be heard on moonlit nights in many parts of Florida.

And while the Northern Mockingbird is active during the day, young males sing most actively during the night between midnight and 4 AM.

The Northern Mockingbird is a common backyard bird and year-round resident in Florida. If you have one of these songsters in your neighborhood, you’ll hear them every night.

This Florida bird is the only mockingbird species found in North America. It prefers wooded areas as well as urban habitats with sufficient tree growth, such as parks and golf courses.

Yellow-breasted Chat

Scientific name: Icteria virens

Photo of Yellow-breasted Chat

Sound of Yellow-breasted Chat:

(Recording source: Richard E. Webster, XC766370,

The Yellow-breasted Chat is another songbird that makes noise at night. Similar to Northern Mockingbirds, these birds chirp at night in Florida in order to attract mates.

However, Yellow-breasted Chats are only encountered in the northernmost parts of Florida, where they occur as summer visitors from May through August.

These birds are between the size of a sparrow and a robin. They are olive-green with a bright yellow breast, a gray face, and a distinct white eyebrow stripe.

They can usually be found in dense areas such as thickets, bramble bushes, shrubs, and along streams.

The diet of this bird consists of small insects, such as moths, beetles, ants, and grasshoppers. They also eat berries such as wild grapes and elderberries.

Common Nighthawk

Scientific name: Chordeiles minor

Photo of Common Nighthawk in flight

Sound of Common Nighthawk:

(Recording source: Peter Ward and Ken Hall, XC613899,

The Common Nighthawk is another member of the nightjar family that is dark brown with white comma-shaped markings on its wings.

The bright white bars on their wings are very conspicuous during flight, and this is a great feature for identifying them.

Nighthawks are most active at dusk and dawn, and if you see one in low light conditions, it looks like a black bird with white stripes on its wing.

During the summer, the Common Nighthawk is a regular breeding bird in Florida, but it is a strict migratory species, and spends the winter in South America.

It breeds in a wide variety of open woodland habitats, including urban areas. It feeds on insects that it catches in flight.


Scientific name: Antrostomus carolinensis

Photo of Chuck-will’s-widow resting on a branch

Chuck-will’s-widow call:

(Recording source: Ron Overholtz, XC555492 , )

The Chuck-will’s-widow is the largest member of the nightjar family in North America, and is found year-round in south Florida, and as a summer visitor in northern Florida.

This nightjar is most active around dusk and during the night, while it rests on a branch or on the ground during the day.

While it’s difficult to see these well camouflaged birds, the best way to identify them is by their melodious 5-syllable call during the night.

They hunt flying insects, which they catch while flying low over the ground in the dark of the night.

Eastern Whip-poor-will

Scientific name: Antrostomus vociferus

Photo of Eastern Whip-poor-will resting during the day

Eastern Whip-poor-will sound:

(Recording source: Paul Driver, XC772248 , )

The Eastern Whip-poor-will is another member of the nightjar family in Florida. While it doesn’t breed in the Sunshine State, it is a common winter bird from October through April.

While Eastern Whip-poor-wills are also best identified by their famous 3-syllable nocturnal song, they are largely silent when wintering in Florida.

These birds are most active at dawn or at dusk, and this is the best time to spot them as they dart through the air in search of flying insects, or by listening for the strange sound they make.

During the winter months, these are the only nightjars encountered in north Florida.

Black-crowned Night-Heron

Scientific name: Nycticorax nycticorax

Photo of adult Black-crowned Night-heron

Black-crowned Night Heron sound:

(Recording source: Jens Kirkeby, XC235340 , )

The Black-crowned Night-Heron is true to its name, and is most active at dusk and during the night, when it forages for frogs and small fish in Florida wetlands.

This heron is a common Florida bird and year-round resident in the state , though it can be hard to spot during the day, unless you find its day-time hiding spots.

Another great distinguishing feature of this heron are its strange bird sounds, which resemble barking or loud squawking, and which it utters at dusk when it flies out from its roost.

Black-crowned Night-Herons are social birds, and usually nest in colonies that share the same nesting tree.

Yellow-crowned Night-Heron

Scientific name: Nyctanassa violacea

Photo of Yellow-crowned Night-Heron adult

Yellow-crowned Night Heron sound:

(Recording source: Paul Marvin, XC538163 , )

The Yellow-crowned Night-Heron is not quite as nocturnal as its Black-crowned relative, and can be seen foraging both during the day and the night.

These herons are most commonly found in coastal areas of Florida, where they forage for crayfish and crabs. 

They are summer visitors in northern parts of the Sunshine State, but are encountered year-round in southern Florida.

Great Horned Owl

Scientific name: Bubo virginianus

Photo of Great Horned Owl perched on a stump

Great Horned Owl call:

(Recording source: Christopher McPherson, XC691461,

With a wingspan up to 4 feet, the Great Horned Owl is the largest owl species breeding in Michigan.

It is a large brown-colored bird with two ear tufts (also called horns) and big yellow eyes. In Florida, this owl starts its nesting very early in the year, laying its eggs in January or February. 

This owl is almost entirely nocturnal, and can hunt in complete darkness by relying on its keen sense of hearing.

The Great Horned Owl doesn’t build its own nest, but instead occupies the nests of other large birds in Florida, such as herons or raptors.

It is found year-round throughout Florida, and can be found in a wide variety of habitats in Michigan, from woodlands to urban areas.

This owl is a fierce hunter, catching birds up to the size of ducks, and mammals up to the size of squirrels, rabbits, and even young foxes.

Barn Owl

Scientific name: Tyto alba

Photo of Barn Owl

Barn Owl sound:

(Recording source: Jayrson De Oliveira, XC619814,

Somewhat softer and less intense-looking than the Great Horned Owl, Barn Owls are characterized by their white coat of feathers, and their “friendlier” appearance.

Armed with exceptional night vision, Barn Owls are strictly nocturnal raptors and therefore hard to spot. However, they can be readily identified by their characteristic screeching call that sounds like someone getting strangled.

And if you do spot one flying overhead by the light of the moon, you may be able to see the glow of their white underside.

These owls are present in Florida all year round, and favor open areas and farmland as their hunting grounds.

Burrowing Owl

Scientific name: Athene cunicularia

Photo of Burrowing Owl

Burrowing Owl sound:

(Recording source: David Ricardo Rodriquez-Villamil, XC524489,

The Burrowing Owl is a scarce resident of open areas in Florida. It digs its own burrows, but also often takes over burrows from prairie dogs or ground squirrels.

This owl is active both day and night, and hunts insects and small rodents in open areas.

Due to their small size, these owls can be hard to spot in the expanse of open prairies.

They are most often observed perching on a small mound, from where they can scan their surroundings in search of food.

Short-eared Owl

Scientific name: Asio flammeus

Photo of Short-eared Owl

Short-eared Owl call:

(Recording source: Lars Edenius, XC718743,

The Short-eared Owl is a highly migratory owl species, and while it doesn’t breed in Florida, it is regularly observed in the state outside of the breeding season.

Short-eared Owls are more often observed hunting in daylight than other owls species.

Together with their hunting tactic of flying low over the ground in open areas, this makes these owls relatively easy to spot.

You can encounter these owls in Florida in any kind of open landscapes, including farmland, airports, and fallow land.

Eastern Screech-Owl

Scientific name: Megascops kennicottii

Photo of Eastern Screech-owl

Eastern Screech Owl sound:

(Recording source: Wisconagus, XC690687,

Originally birds of open woodlands, Eastern Screech-Owls have adapted very well to urban habitats, and are regularly found in parks, large gardens, and golf courses.

They breed in tree cavities, and are best identified by their characteristic series of accelerating hoots.

These owls are common throughout Florida and can be seen in the state all year round. 

They have a very varied diet, which includes any type of small animal ranging from worms to insects and rodents.

Eastern Screech-Owls readily accept artificial nesting cavities, which means you can attract them to your backyard by setting up nest boxes.

Barred Owl

Scientific name: Strix varia

Photo of Barred Owl

Barred Owl sound:

(Recording source: Jim Berry, XC713081,

The Barred Owl was originally a bird of eastern North America, but it steadily expanded its range westwards over the past century.

This Florida bird of prey can be encountered throughout the state anywhere there are suitable habitats. 

Similar to other owls, the Barred Owl is easiest to find by listening for its characteristic hooting call at night.

Their preferred habitat is mature forests bordering swamps. They readily accept nest boxes that are set up in old trees.

What birds sing at night in Florida?

The birds that sing at night in Florida are most often Northern Mockingbirds, which are the state bird of the Sunshine State.

Mockingbirds singing at night are usually young male birds trying to attract a mate. They sing at night during most of the year, except for the fall.

In addition to mockingbirds, other common Florida birds that sing at night are nightjars and owls.

Finally, Yellow-breasted Chats also sing at night, but these birds are only found in the northernmost part of Florida.


In summary, here are the 13 most common nocturnal birds found in Florida:

  • Northern Mockingbird
  • Yellow-breasted Chat
  • Common Nighthawk
  • Chuck-will’s-widow
  • Eastern Whip-poor-will
  • Black-crowned Night-heron
  • Yellow-crowned Night-Heron
  • Great Horned Owl
  • Barn Owl
  • Burrowing Owl
  • Short-eared Owl
  • Eastern Screech-Owl
  • Barred Owl

While this is a diverse list of bird species (including nightjars, songbirds, owls, and herons), they all have in common that they are either entirely or partially active at night.  

Many of these night birds are found all year in Florida, but some of them only occur in the state only during the breeding season in summer, or as winter visitors.

The varied habitats of Florida are home to more than 500 different species of birds, and nighttime birds make up a significant proportion of this rich avifauna.

Ranging from whippoorwills to nighthawks and owls, these night birds play a vital role in the ecology of their habitats.

If you enjoyed this article, check out our guide to the black birds of Florida.

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